What do I do if I am failing a class? What do I do if my student is failing a class?
- Check StudentVUE/ParentVUE and CANVAS for an up-to-date grade book for each class. This resource can be used to identify missing assignments and to check scores on recent assignments.
- Weekly Progress Reports are a great tool students/parents can use to monitor progress between report cards. Students may pick up a blank progress report in the Counseling Center before school. The student then takes the progress report to their teachers requesting feedback about their progress/grade. Students then take the Weekly Progress Reports home to the parent/guardian(s).
- Call to discuss the problem with the teacher - For a complete list of teachers and phone extensions, visit Staff Directory.
- The ABC tutoring 'Study Zone' is drop-in tutoring available daily in the library. Study Zone is held before school.
- If you still need assistance after talking with the teacher, you may call your student's School Counselor. The School Counselor will suggest various strategies/interventions that can be used to assist/support your student.
Progress report cards are issued every six weeks. The final semester grades and corresponding credits are a permanent record on the transcript.