In order to graduate, EUHSD students must earn 230 credits to qualify for a high school diploma, which must include the following course requirements:
□ Students planning to attend a California State University or the University of California should consult their School Counselor to determine which visual and performing arts classes will be acceptable for admissions purposes.
□ Students enrolled in Math 1 within the EUHSD satisfy the CDE and EUHSD Algebra graduation requirement by successfully completing the course. Algebra completed prior to Grade 9 may satisfy the CDE Algebra graduation requirement.
□ Students enrolled in Math 2 within the EUHSD satisfy the UC/CSU Geometry requirement by completing the course.
□ Students should consult their counselor to determine which college prep elective or Career Technical Education courses meet this requirement.
The University of California (UC) and the California State University (CSU) systems have established a uniform minimum set of courses required for admission as a freshman. The UC maintains public “a-g” course list that provide complete information about the high school courses approved for admission to the university. In addition to the required courses, California public universities have other requirements for admission as a freshman.