Transcript Requests: To request a copy of your diploma or transcript, please contact our registrar Diane Landreth at [email protected] or 760-291-5059.
Also, please prepare the following information:
Diplomas can also be picked up at the OGHS registrars’ office on weekdays between 8 and 3 PM.
Moving or transferring to a new school?
Parents are requested to give at least one day's notice, verbal or written, to the school registrar prior to requesting their child be checked out of school. Students checking out to go to another comprehensive school in the district, or Valley Continuation High School, should make an appointment to meet with their School Counselor prior to their completing the checkout process to ensure continuity in their class schedule.
Steps for Checking out:
*Make sure you take a copy of your transcript, checkout grades, and immunization records to your new school of enrollment.
Change of address WITHIN the district attendance boundaries
If you are moving to another school’s attendance boundary within the Escondido Union High School District and you wish to remain as a continuing student at Orange Glen High School, please inform the registrar (760) 291-5059 as soon as possible. You will be required to complete an Intra-district Attendance form.
If you wish to attend the school serving your new residence then check out of OGHS on your last day of attendance and report the next school day to the registrar at your new school. All Intra-district transfers are subject to approval by the Director, Pupil Services, 760-291-3261.
Change of address OUTSIDE of the district attendance boundaries